

获奖者包括两名管家, 两个管理员, 两名教职员和一名行政助理.

Collage image of all the Massey award winners against Carolina Blue background.
今年的梅西奖得主:(第一排, 从左到右)林肯·巴特勒, 罗宾·李, 夏天蒙哥马利, 拿破仑情史Rieckenberg, (第二行, 从左到右)尼克·西登托普, 钦素素季, 伊丽莎白·威廉姆斯

卡罗莱纳州的6名员工将获得2024年的奖金 C. 诺克斯·梅西杰出服务奖这是教职员工最负盛名的荣誉之一. 一名员工也将被追授.

1980年由C. 诺克斯·梅西,25岁, 该奖项表彰的是“不寻常”, 大学员工的“有功或卓越贡献”. 该奖项将在4月27日的午餐会上颁发.

“Our extraordinary employees are at the heart of Carolina’s excellence,临时总理李显龙说. 罗伯茨. “每年, the Massey Awards highlight the remarkable and superior ways our employees contribute to our community, and the seven individuals being recognized this year are superb examples. 他们的辛勤工作和奉献精神真正脱颖而出. I’m honored to celebrate and acknowledge all they do for our great University.”


获奖者, 经全校提名程序选出, 每人得到10美元,津贴及奖励金.



巴特勒, 谁1997年来到卡罗来纳, developed a deep knowledge of HR policies and is a go-to person for many colleagues. 他曾在大学应急小组任职, leads the inclement weather policy and sits on countless 博彩平台大学系统 task forces in support of improved efficiency. Beyond Carolina, 巴特勒 also assisted other campuses in the 博彩平台大学系统. More than one colleague appreciated “his willingness to roll up his sleeves and inspire positive change that motivates others, 从而使大学成为更好的地方.”


Kyi keeps all 10 floors and 343,000 square feet of Marsico Hall in tiptop shape. 她从医学研究大楼开业就一直在里面工作, 负责大堂和咖啡厅, 清洁卫生间, 擦地,擦窗户. Kyi was instrumental in addressing pipe issues in December 2022 and cleaning up after a fire in March 2023. Nominators celebrated Kyi, a single mother and refugee from Myanmar who came to the United States speaking limited English, 感谢她慷慨的乐观, 非凡的职业道德和坚韧的精神.


Lee is the reason that Kenan Residence Hall isn’t just a building to live in for 120 Carolina students but their home. 李,或学生们的罗宾小姐,早上7点到.m. 每天,他都会在居民醒来之前开始打扫卫生. Nominators celebrated Lee’s willingness to go above and beyond while being cognizant of safety, 方便和舒适的所有学生. She’s been instrumental in advocating for higher wages for Carolina’s housekeepers. Lee greets everyone with a smile and does everything she can to make students feel at home.

夏天蒙哥马利, student services manager, 文理学院’ biology department

蒙哥马利, 在卡罗莱纳工作了近30年的人, 监督注册等物流, 课程表, 教室, applications and safety approvals for the University’s largest major. Colleagues call her organized, attentive and able to head off crises before they happen. She played a pivotal role in handling operations through the pandemic and the rollout of the biology department’s new undergraduate curriculum. 蒙哥马利 elevated the Koeppe Biology Honors Symposium by making it a weeklong celebration and has managed the department’s commencement ceremony since 2011.


Rieckenberg的工作意味着她很可能在凌晨3点接到电话.m. As 3p.m. 涉及学生健康或安全问题. She’s at the forefront of responding to some of the most difficult situations, 包括心理健康危机, 自然灾害或住房和粮食不安全问题. Rieckenberg是CARE团队创建背后的梦想家, a group that meets weekly to review cases of students experiencing distress or challenges that threaten their academic progress. She also led the creation of the University Approved-Absence Office, was a “relentless champion” of the Carolina Veterans’ Resource Center and partnered with the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid to hire the University’s first director of financial well-being.


Siedentop’s work may “be invisible to the wider university community,” but it has a huge impact on every undergraduate seeking a degree at Carolina. He oversees efforts to modernize and digitize the University’s curriculum processes, 包括在线本科目录的介绍, academic policies and review of all aspects of Carolina’s majors and minors. Siedentop帮助策划和实施了“IDEAS in Action”课程, the Transfer Course Re-Evaluation System and Curriculum Inventory Manager. Nominators noted his “unwavering integrity” and called him a “valued and trusted colleague and a wonderful supervisor and leader.”


Williams was a “keeper of light and joy” in South Building before her sudden passing in November. 她在卡罗莱纳大学的任期是从银行业开始的, raising her children and serving as guardian ad litem to many more children. Before serving as executive assistant to Chancellors Carol Folt and Kevin Guskiewicz, Williams worked in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the Morehead-Cain Foundation as an admissions essay reader. 同事们注意到她对每个人都很尊重, created an environment where you felt valued and could balance a calendar like an expert Tetris player. 对许多人来说,“她真的是大学的核心.”

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